・ Important Information! - Please Read!
❥ I only accept cashapp, venmo, gumroad tipjar or asset gifting as payment.❥ Anything is allowed for streaming, video, etc. with permission & proper crediting!❥ Must follow my tos/use common sense. No leaking/ripping my work.❥ I offer Avatars, Assets/Followers, Unity Work & Showcase/Pictures.❥ Want to commission me OR have any questions about if i can do something? Dm me on discord @.imkitty.

・ Avatars ($20+)
I'm up for creating any type of avatar! Im good with everything but wont recreate someone elses avatar(s).A default avatar commission includes Gogo Locomotion, Facial Expressions, Physbones, SFW/NSFW options (dps), a choice of if you want the avatar uploaded for you, the unity files or both. You get the customize the rest of the avatar to your liking. $20 is min price, i mostly work with a set amount or budget of customers choice.If you want certain assets you will need to send the money inorder for me to have rights to use them. If you want certain parts of the avatar made from scratch tell me. This includes but not limited to hair & clothing.Want to commission me OR have any questions about if i can do something? Dm me on discord - @.imkitty.
・ Assets/Custom Followers ($5+)
I will create any type of asset(s) or follower(s). I won't do copywrite brands if you are planning on selling the asset/follower on a avatar.The price depends on how difficult the asset/follower is to make. If you would like to know how much something would cost for me to make dm me on discord and we can come up with something. Im super big on staying within budgets so please do not hesitate to give me your budget amount. The price might vary depending on if and how many extra textures you want. If you want to use asset/follower for selling on an avatar you must ask me.I make the mesh, uv map, include textures you might want, rig it to preferred base and I add 3D details. I'm the best with female clothing but I can also do male & femboy clothing. I am a little iffy with shoes but i'm perfect with everything else. For followers I'm good with anything!Want to commission me OR have any questions about if i can do something? Dm me on discord - @.imkitty.

・ Unity Work ($25+)
I know how to do pretty much anything. Unity work can take me 1-7 days to complete depending on the difficulty of it. I work with budgets and try my best when giving good and affordable prices! :)I am able to set up materials, toggles, hue shifts, material changes, DPS, physbones, gogo locomotion, follower pets, marker, gestures (i can fix claw hands), facial expressions, phybone contacts, etc. I'm able to make an avatar PC & Quest along with Optimized.Want to commission me OR have any questions about if i can do something? Dm me on discord - @.imkitty.

・ Avatar Showcase/Pics ($10+)
To see examples of my showcases please dm me on discord! ~ @.imkitty.For Showcases to be done id need the avatar files as i add vrclens in unity. If you have a couples avatar set im able to get someone to be the S/O but id need to give them the other avatars package. This is the same if you want pictures.For a normal avatar showcase OR toggles showcase its $10. For them both its $15. You can pick the style and whatever song you think matches the style. Pictures come with the avatar showcase.Want to commission me OR have any questions about if i can do something? Dm me on discord - @.imkitty.